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NE1 Faceters is a non profit organisation. General management is ran by a committee staffed by volunteer members. Several committee positions are held for a set term and voted in at Annual General Meetings when appropriate. 


NE1 Faceters retains the copyright of all its publications on this website and within our bi-monthly magazine and these may not be copied or reproduced without the group's permission.


General Information and Copyright

GDPR Policy

What personal data we collect, why and how we store it can be found in our GDPR policy. This can be viewed in the following pdf file:




Small pieces of data stored on a site's visitor browser are known as cookies. They tend to keep track of the settings users have selected and actions they have taken on a site.


A banner will appear when you first come onto our website where you can accept or decline all but the essential cookies needed for security and function purposes.


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